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Helen Tyson Middle School Adaptive Swing


SPSEF Board attends ribbon cutting at HTMS 

This grant funded an excellent sensory motor tool for us to use alongside our physical education program allowing us to create a safe and close environment for our special needs children to be able to swing without traveling to the Miracle League Field at Tyson Park. 

“This is has been a dream for our kids for a while and we are so thankful they are here, put in place, and we are able to be using them. Many of our special needs children are not able to use our other playground equipment due to their individual concerns, and this has made not only their lives better, it has also made them feel like they have a purpose and a place here on the playground.  I want say a special thank you to the SPRINGDALE PUBLIC SCHOOLS EDUCATION FOUNDATION for making this dream come true. Through SPSEF, many teachers are able to support the students learning while receiving financial support to ensure that every child receives a strong foundation. We are so thankful for the Foundation for making this dream come true. “

Lindsay Jester,  Helen Tyson Middle School Physical Education

Posted in Grant Recipients